
tumblr_inline_n2yo6uAO3S1sph23t“Kau sedang pilek. Istirahat di tempat tidur dan jangan main di luar!”

Kutunggu suara langkah Mama menjauh barulah aku bangkit dari tempat tidur dan menyelinap keluar dari pintu belakang.


Ups! Aku tak sempat menutup mulut. Buru-buru aku berlari, takut Mama mendengar dan menyuruh kembali masuk kamar.

Ah… pagi yang menyegarkan. Meski terasa lebih dingin karena kabut turun lebih tebal dari biasa, bagiku tak masalah. Dengan riang aku membelokkan langkah dan masuk hutan di sebelah pekarangan. Pagi begini, banyak sekali hal menyenangkan yang bisa dilihat. Aku berniat akan berendam sebentar di mata air. Pasti segar sekali.


Hidungku mampet sekaligus meler. Menyebalkan.

Iseng aku mencoba mencium ketiak sendiri.

Hah! Bahkan ketiakku pun tak berbau! Aku terbahak.

Jalan setapak yang kulalui masih basah. Aku ingat kalau semalam hujan sempat turun sampai subuh. Hmm… kalau begini mata air pasti deras mengalir. Aku bersorak dalam hati.

Semakin ke dalam hutan udara makin dingin. Aku mendadak merindukan hangatnya kamar. Hidungku juga makin mampet.

Aduh. Apa aku harus kembali ke rumah?

Tapi sudah kepalang tanggung. Tinggal beberapa ratus meter lagi.

Mataku menangkap sesuatu yang aneh.

Huh? Gundukan apa itu?

Aku mempercepat langkah dan menajamkan pandangan.

Itu apa sih?

Sesuatu telah menutupi jalan setapak. Ah, aku benci jika ada yang buang sampah sembarangan.

Tapi kok perasaanku aneh ya?


Jantungku berdebar lebih kencang. Firasatku tidak enak. Aku menoleh ke kiri dan kanan. Sepi.

Lalu ke depan, ke arah gundukan itu.

Tumpukan ranting dan cabang pohon menggunung, cukup untuk membuat api unggun.

Api unggun?

Leherku mendingin. Terdengar langkah mendekat dan ranting terinjak. Kupingku sontak berdiri tegak.

Makhluk berkaki dua!

Oh! Karena pilek aku pasti tak bisa mencium baunya!!

Kau sedang pilek… Jangan keluar rumah.” Pesan Mama terngiang-ngiang di telingaku. Disusul desing peluru itu. ***

Ditulis atas undangan Reny, mengikuti tantangan Prompt #64: Pile of Wood Sticks | MondayFlashFiction
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MV5BMjI3MjQ1NTgyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDIyMjA2MDE@._V1_SY317_CR12,0,214,317_AL_It’s all about timing.

About two weeks ago, I watched a movie entitled Le Grand Chef. A Korean movie. I didn’t remember exactly why I picked it but I think it was an excellent choice for I was going to have my lunch.

The premise is good. It starts strong with two young cooks battling out to be the best cook of an old place kinda like a cooking school. They have to cook with a goldenblow fish. A tricky ingredient for it contains a deadly poison. The competition started well, both of them had it served beautifully, but soon after testing it, three judges were salivating and vomiting excessively. The serene and peaceful event soon turns into chaos and tragedy.

One of them are failed to extract the deadly poison. Fatal mistake.

Some Korean drama could be very boring because of their lack (or too high?) emotions, and sometimes it is really slow. But it doesn’t happen with this movie. As I found it hilarious. The jokes are really simple actually. But I can relate it with myself so it’s really good. During it, we catch other plots about other character, all of them had strong story, that’s good. I mean, I was teary when watched a young boy eats sweet potatoes that her mother leaves secretly. I was blowing my nose when they bid good bye to the cow. Hiks. At the end of it, I don’t mind at all it’s being too dramatic or else. I was enjoying it. A lot.

If I didn’t watch it when I was eating, I wasn’t sure I would have the same feeling. Thing is, when you watch it from your laptop, you can easily stop it if you feel it doesn’t suit you. It happens quite often in my case, haha. Just because I don’t feel the vibe, I’ll stop it. Or if I feel the time is not right.

Sometimes all you need is just to let it flow. Because I was eating, my hands were busy so I didn’t care about stopping or replaying some scenes. I just watched it. And it feels really good.

kids-laughingLife works in strange way. Today wouldn’t be same like yesterday. And we know absolutely nothing about tomorrow. I am not saying you don’t need to plan your life, having a plan of your life is really a positive step and I’m fully supporting it. What I want to try to say is, being a grown up, you lost your spontaneous side. Your impulsive side. You are forced to be responsible, and many would consider being spontaneous isn’t responsible; soon you don’t recognize your reflection, your shadow, the way you talk, the way you walk, you’re becoming someone entirely else.

“…Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me, when will my reflection show who I am inside…?” Christina Aguilera – Reflection

But yes, it is all about timing, you know. I won’t talk about this last year; at the same month, I was having a headache planning my marriage, lol.

Good morning. Have a blessed Tuesday.

pic from here and here.

Born Today

So, thanks to Facebook. I got a useful notification today, not another stupid playing stupid game invitation — if I’ve ever invited you playing game with me in the past and you feel disturbed, I am really sorry for that, I am serious, hahaha —, but a reminder that today is a birthday for some of my friends. There are 5 people actually on that list. But only three I know close enough so I feel it’s not a problem to post this.

The first one is DARMAWI. His facebook account is here. The latest news I got from him is about his engagement. I can’t write this without smiling. I mean, Mawi is my bestfriend. One of the best. He was the one who accompany me to sell Lappie, he was the one who drove me home when I was sick like dead. He also the one who asked me to accompany him at past midnight to her girlfriend’s house just because he wants to say happy birthday directly. I still can’t understand they didn’t end up marrying each other, hahaha. Shortly, he’s my friend.

Who didn’t tell me that he is engaged. Grrrh.

Come to think again, I also didn’t say a word about my marriage with him though. #slap

Mawi (2009)
Mawi (2009)

Nevermind, hahaha. Yo buddy! Happy birthday today! I wish you all the best. And by the best I mean it. Not just another template wish. I watched you play when you’re still a young boy who loves to play basket-ball until now when your pants increased its size 5 number. Hahahaha…!!!

Squatting: Mawi, me, Reza, Anzali, and Fadhil.

Other person is Anzali. He’s just married!!!! Yeeeee…!! Congratulations ya. I still remembered you and your brother Anzari consoling each other at the lounge of the airport. The day you got news about your mother departed. I watched how a young boy like you holding yourself pretty well, really well actually. I was amazed. After all these years, I am still sorry for your loss. But you and your brother are great you know. Your parents would be very proud. Happy birthday! 🙂

Anzali (2009)
Anzali (2009)

The last one is Septian. I say happy birthday because he is one of my acquaintance who loves tennis. I mean, very rare. Hahaha. Happy birthday you too.

And for all who has their birthday, may you spend your time with your family, embrace this moment, for we’re not living forever. 🙂 Today, is your day, you were born today. Again.

A Lone Again (Naturally)

ab4013b01ba011e3bf5322000a9f38c3_7Are you jealous?

That question usually would put the opponent into a defensive mode. Short answers like ‘yes’ or ‘no’ wouldn’t be sufficient because like giving apology, jealousy is kind a disease you don’t want to have. If apology would force someone to say sorry; jealousy force the person to speak more than they have to. To feel more than they should. Exaggeration.

So this past two days, with a proper internet connection, I was able to see more than usual. Someone’s locked door. Others’ collection. That person’s job. This. That. These. Those. As long as you know how-where-when-what-who-which to search, it is there for you.

Private life as well.

My classmates are in a synchronized life for example, A engaged to B, C married D, E having a baby. Those things. I also learned that one of my closest friend now is not single anymore. I’m really happy for her. Really. I was laughing actually when I digested the news. I mean, it’s an egoistic idea to think that you’re the only one who has the right to make them happy. You’re the center of their universe, so when you find out that they’re no longer orbiting you, you’ll feel weird.


That’s the right term, I guess. I wasn’t happy at first. Because deep down, I had a dream how this and that would be happening. Not just for this matter, but basically everything, lol. But, that weird feeling just lasted for about seconds fraction. Soon I grasped the reality that life is indeed very unpredictable. The only thing that I can do now is feeling happy about it. I hope it goes well for her. She deserves it.

The other person acts different. I hate to judge someone like this, just based on my feelings. I like to confront it with him, ask him what’s happening, what’s going on. The truth is, I am confused. I don’t know where to start. It’s already weird as well. How many ‘weird’ I already said? Gosh, this post is weird.


I often think about where I went wrong. The more I do, the less I know. Said Adele.

Are you jealous?

Yes, I was jealous.


But not anymore. Just curious, I guess. 😉

And curiosity killed the cat. Said Google for me today.

Good morning you.

#np Tempat Terakhir – Padi

Here Comes The Sun

CAM00419Fakfak has been so lovely these two months. During east season, the wind is pretty strong and bring rain so basically everyday is raining, at least drizzling. And the temperature is dropping so I cannot help but love it. The problem is, Baubau is in contrary season it seems. It reached 34 degree of C yesterday.


Hahahaha. And they starts the day bit earlier. I mean, even it’s just 5 in the morning, you already can see the trace of sunshine. By six, you’ll feel weird if you still stay on bed. Sometimes I was laughing about it and asked my wife her feeling about the weather, she also find it different and saying the same thing.

I haven’t got my rhythm living here. Good news is the mosque is just around the corner. Twenty steps and I’m already in it. Very different indeed with Fakfak where I cannot count how many times I spend my pray at house instead of at mosque.

I take this before six. Can you believe it?
I take this before six. Can you believe it?

The internet is really helping here. I mean, the last time I get ‘a normal’ connection was December last year, so here is pretty good. Though then comes the distraction, hehe. I barely can concentrate to write anything because for the first few days I only downloading apps that I will uninstall afterwards, hahaha. Stupid.

But today I’ll start writing again.

Begin again. 😉

An Empty Road!

follower_tshirt-p235441568924508164z8nyv_400About two days ago, I watched an episode of Running Man as an entertainment solution while I was still on my way to Baubau. I was lil bit irked by a certain scene, it was when Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Kwang Soo and two guests drove in a car and they just overtook Ji Suk Jin’s car. One of the guest found the way Suk Jin driving is funny because he keeps driving in an average speed while actually there is no one in front of him.

Out of nowhere, maybe just to make it as a joke, Jae Suk said that it is precisely Suk Jin’s character, the way he drove his car. Jae Suk said that the reason Suk Jin doesn’t want to drive faster is because he doesn’t want to be a leader, only a follower.

All of them are laughing. I think at that time I was laughing too.

But soon I found that despite maybe it was only intended to be a joke, Jae Suk words toward Suk Jin are quite true. The problem is, I don’t want to accept it since I am the one who drive slowly as well. lol.

When I think again, the way I drive today and years ago are quite different. I was quite careless back then. Lately I was too afraid, everything is already happening in my head, while actually, none of it are close to happen. I was limited by my own mind. It sucks when you have to come with that kind of conclusion, no?

But then again, the reason I became like this is quite strong. There were too many events in my past where I can easily point my own stupid mistakes. Mistakes I shouldn’t make. Mistakes after mistakes that brought my head bowing down in every single night just to think about ‘what if’ questions.

That’s the scary part of remembering old time. Too deep involved there, you’ll get yourself drowned and couldn’t get back in your present time. I think I made that mistake as well. Dwell in it.

Back to Jae Suk’s words, he said that some people just can’t be a leader not because they couldn’t, but because they don’t want to. Inside themselves, living a tamed follower. Who is happy enough with their life and have no courage to step higher or faster than everyone else.

It may be quite harsh, but for me, it is a waking up call and a slap on my head.
Stop following stupid people’s path, pretending it’s cool to live like a bunch of cool guy, waking up posting something on internet, eating while thinking what should be tweeted, travelling while inside your mind, you’re sitting in front of your gadget memorizing what would be posted in your instagram instead of enjoying the view that you get on your travel road. You’re getting lazier everyday and you keep saying to yourself that it is the way it is at this moment.


You could be a far better person.

By stop being a follower.